Aspiration Statement
I look forward to becoming a director of photography or a cinematographer. Initially, I want to work under some production houses and then start up my own production. My main aim is to indulge with the media industry to portray a better image of Pakistani media and to explore my skills to their full potential.
Core Skills
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- Adobe Photoshop, InDesign
- Documentary Making
- Film Making
- Video Editing
- Photography
- Designing with Adobe Illustrator
- Social Media Management
- Digital Marketing
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Happy Home School System - Teacher
- News one, Karachi - Content Creator
- Trout Digital Marketing - Design and Marketing Intern
- J. (JUNAID JAMSHED) - Design And Social Media Intern
- FAD Karachi - Social Media Manager
- Aga Khan University - Education Board - Intern
- The Citizens Foundation - Teacher
Final Year Project
Project Title
Thanda Gosht
My project will showcase the impact of how necrophilia is labelled in Pakistani society and what kind of effects it leaves on to the people who suffer. Final outcome of the design research project will take the form of a short film based on necrophilia, name of the film is adapted from Manto’s famous short story ‘Thanda Gosht’. Cases of dead bodies being raped have been rising continuously, however, this specific short film is inspired by the most recent case in Sukkur. Design research I was about working on a dissertation topic while design research II gave a pathway to move towards the final product. Another reason for doing this specific topic is because of the silence seen by Pakistani media & misunderstanding of the crime itself. (Group Project)