Aspiration Statement
My minor is in ‘Communication and Design’ and ‘English Comparative Literature. My interest is in Urban Planning, how design thinking and program planning can be used to make a complicated city like Karachi better. I hope to do intense, research-driven work. My unceasing passion lies in gender-related issues.
Core Skills
- Good English Writing Skills
- Illustrator
- Secondary Data Research Skills
- Design Thinking Skills
- Program Planning Skills
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Poverty Eradication Initiative - Intern
- Jelly Beans Nursery and Preschool, Cairo, Egypt - Teacher
- Luminative Solutions - Writer
- Thardeep Microfinance Foundation - Report Writer
- Reading Room Project Welfare Society - Curriculum Intern
- Askari Bank - Intern
- Course in Spoken English, PAWFA, Kamra - Teacher
Publications / Creative Projects
- Collaboration with the Pakistan Hemophilia Patients Welfare Society on a prototype for a health campaign.
- Collaborated with Naimat’s Literacy Center on a Major Research Report for an undergraduate course.
Final Year Project
Project Title
The Office of Student Life at Habib University and Student Affairs Departments in Liberal Arts Universities
This research paper was written for an advanced anthropology class on bureaucracy. My paper looked at the department of Student Life at Habib University and attempted to locate what its role should be among the theories of bureaucracy and student affairs (which are mostly produced by Western ideas of higher learning institutions). Its purpose was to see if Student Life constituted a traditional bureaucracy (through the work of Max Weber) or if it fits into the model of the Student Affairs departments in Liberal Arts colleges (as dictated by Student Affairs professionals in the US).The resulting work found the importance of Student Life as a governing body through Foucault’s idea of Governmentality and the antithetical nature of traditional ideas of the bureaucracy to the work done in Student Affairs departments in Liberal Arts colleges. (Group Project)