Class of 2022
BS Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics

Aspiration Statement

I like to solve problems whether they relate to Computer Science or Management. Ultimately, all my career goals revolve around that: to solve problems.

Core Skills

  • Python
  • React
  • C++
  • React Native
  • Numpy & Pandas

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Dean's List, Fall 2020
  • Dean's List, Fall 2019


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Treasurer — CSEC
  • Module Co-Lead, Omicron Mind Maze

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Software Engineer I - Careem
  • Teaching Assistant — Habib University (September 2019 — April 2022)

Publications / Creative Projects

  • A Tower Defense Game
  • A Puzzle Game

Final Year Project

Project Title

Zaamin - An Al-powered, Video Analytic Software System


Today CCTV cameras are installed nearly at every location for the purpose of surveillance but they are too labor-intensive. Moreover, the performance and concentration of even well-trained human operators may decay rapidly imposing a high risk of missing an unwanted event that could be easily prevented. It is because of this that automation and intelligence in the field of security is the need of the hour. Trying to equip cameras with intelligence is challenging in itself, as computer vision models are intensive in terms of computation and memory due to a large number of weights taking up considerable storage and memory bandwidth. This makes it difficult to deploy them in resource-constrained environments like embedded systems. Zaamin is a solution to that. Our goal is to optimize the models, so they can work anywhere, in real time. We also aim to provide a dashboard for people to gain insights from models.