Class of 2022
BS Electrical Engineering

Aspiration Statement

I want to work in academia and/or in research and development. I also want to pursue postgraduate studies in Robotics, continuing the work I am doing in my Capstone on UAV-based disaster robotics.

Core Skills

  • Robot Operating System (ROS)
  • MATLAB & Simulink
  • C++
  • Python
  • Research

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Dean's List, Spring 2021
  • Dean's List, Spring 2019


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Asst. Module Lead, CodePlay3.0
  • Member, Al Club
  • Member, WWF Club

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Teacher Assistant, Principles of Feedback Control - Habib University (September 2021 - December 2021)
  • Teacher Assistant, Programming Fundamentals - Habib University (September 2019 - December 2019)

Publications / Creative Projects

  • Mitigating the Zero Biased Steering Angles in Self-driving SimulatorDatasets: M. Khan,K. Alamdar, A. Junaid and M. Farhan. Presented in 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2022

Final Year Project

Project Title

Autonomous Disaster Drones for Pre-Rescue Mapping of Interior Environments


Kalso locating any potential survivors. The map can be used by first responders to better plan the rescue. SLAM is used for localization and mapping. The project is being developed using Robot Operating System (ROS) and is simulated on Gazebo. A proof-of-concept hardware prototype will be implemented on either Parrot Mamo Minidrone or an F450 Pixhawkdrone. The project aims to make autonomous drones that are capable of mapping indoor environments for disaster scenarios while also locating any potential survivors. The map can be used by first responders to better plan the rescue.