Class of 2021
BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy
Minor: Communication and Design

Aspiration Statement

I want to pursue my career in the development sector, especially in the public health sector. I am inclined towards community-driven development, research and program planning.

Core Skills

  • Proficient in Microsoft Office
  • Proficient in Google Workspace
  • Proficient in MAXQDA
  • Bilingual proficiency in Urdu and English
  • Quantitative and qualitative research skills


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • HU Karachi Stories Project - Head of Editorial Team (2020-2021)
  • Habib University Yearbook Committee - Head (2019)
  • Habib University Yearbook Committee - Co-Head (2019)

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • RSPN’s SUCCESS Programme - Communications Young Development Professional
  • Indus Health and Hospital Network - Intern
  • The Citizens Archive of Pakistan - The Oral History Project Intern

Final Year Project

Project Title

Effects of Covid-19 on Hospital-Going Immunocompromised Patients’ Lives in Karachi


The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of the pandemic on such patients as they are a less-studied subset. An exploratory design study was created to highlight how immunocompromised patients must deal with the pandemic and how it may be affecting their mental health. The study also details how the response of healthcare centres and the government is also impacting the general well-being of these patients. The results showed that private hospitals are implementing a better response and providing better healthcare. It was also found that the government’s response to Covid-19 could have been much better in terms of enforcing a stronger lockdown and providing funds to healthcare centres. Generally, it was seen that there is definitely a toll that the pandemic is taking on the immunocompromised patients and their families, with the healthcare centres and government contributing to it in some way.