Aspiration Statement
I would like to continue to develop my skills and experience by working with professionals in the field of Marketing. I also want to pursue my postgraduate studies in Ul/UX Design. My other passions include running and travelling to exotic places.
Core Skills
- Adobe Softwares
- Python and Latex
- Photography/Videography
- Ul/UX Design
- Social Media management
Academic Awards / Achievements
- HU TOPS Scholar (Habib University's Talent Outreach, Promotion and Support Program)
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Member, Cabinet of Academic Affairs CND 2022
- Director Design for Omicron (Habib's Science Olympiad)
- Executive Marketing Manager for the Sports and Recreational Club
Internship / Volunteer Work
- UX Designer - K Business Solutions Inc (Jun 2022 - Present)
- Digital Marketing Manager - Intelligenes (Feb 2022 - Present)
- Digital Marketing Intern - Malka Foods (January 2020 - March 2022)
- Photographer/Videographer Intern - Habib University (October 2021 - December 2021)
- Sales Associate - Under Armour (Jun 2021 - Sep 2021)
- Creative Intern - Jaffer Business Systems (February 2021 - May 2021)
Final Year Project
Project Title
Woman's Education Level in Relation to Family Planning and Wage-earning Power in Karachi
There have been significant changes over the years in the education sector in Karachi, but there still exists a massive gap between the enrollment ratio of men when compared to that of women. Women are seen as more focused on college and career where they are expected to prioritize marriage and parenthood rather than career success, but this does not reflect on the broader picture of societal trends that exist in Karachi. This research paper examines the relationship between women's education in relation to family planning and wage earning power in Karachi using the data that is present, while also focusing on primary research that is largely based on the interviews conducted with women from different socio economic backgrounds all over Karachi.