Aspiration Statement

My goal is to build my own tech startup. As a career, I am pursuing product management focused on enabling hyper-growth of the company. Eventually, I hope to leverage my learnings of growing companies into my own startup.

Core Skills

  • C++
  • Python
  • Flutter
  • Product Management
  • Stakeholder Management and Communication

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Dean's Honor List Spring 2019, Fall 2020
  • Attended Harvard University's Project for Asian and International Relations in Spring 2019
  • Lead for Developer Student Club by Google Developers and an ambassador for Microsoft. Also awarded a scholarship by Google for my initiatives on women empowerment and tech Leadership/Co-curricular
  • Attended Google's Women Techmakers Scholars Retreat at Google, Sydney in Fall 2020


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Habib University's National Science Olympiad - Founding President
  • TEDx Habib University - Licensee Holder and Organizer

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Bazaar Technologies - Product Manager
  • Bazaar Technologies - Associate Product Manager @ Growth
  • Bazaar Technologies - Product & Growth Intern
  • Afiniti - Software Analyst Trainee

Final Year Project

Project Title

Immersive AR Application as a Tool for Climate Education


An AR-based, immersive game that aims to make the intangible a bit more tangible through augmented reality and help users take immediate actions that can prevent a catastrophic climate change effect. Players can go around their vicinity, plant virtual plants, interact with their friends, and earn points to buy premium features; the revenue generated will be donated to an NGO to plant trees. Our focus is to become the first of its kind Pakistani solution that aims to not just educate the Pakistani public about climate change but also encourage them to act responsibly through an incentivized, competitive and community-based AR game.