Aspiration Statement
To be a film director and a screenwriter.
Core Skills
- Screenwriting
- Directing
- Editing
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Dean's List Fall 2021
- Dean's List Fall 2019
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- President PLP
- President KSP
- President CND productions
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Freelance Screenwriter
Publications / Creative Projects
- Poem selected by Button Poetry
- Poem produced into short video by Golden Hour Productions
- Short story published in Arzu Anthology
- Directed seven plays
- Various short films produced
Final Year Project
Project Title
Love and Other Lies
The paper aims to explore the connection between parasocial theory and existing literature on tropes in American television, to argue that American television serials of the 1990s and 2010s perpetrate more depictions of toxic relationships compared to other mediums. The paper argues that the extent of the power held by the media in shaping individuals' perceptions of reality, specifically romantic relationships, through the medium of television. The paper will focus on the emergence and popularity of web series, while discussing their potential as a medium of entertainment - arguing that failure to recognise the prevalence and impact of such tropes has led to them being introduced in leading web series and the grave consequences that are to follow if this issue is not identified.