Class of 2021
BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy

Core Skills

  • MS Excel
  • Qualititative and Quantitative Research
  • Data Management
  • Academic and Report Writing
  • Fluent in Urdu, English and Punjabi

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Dean's List - Fall 2019


Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Habib University - Editorial Intern, Writing Centre
  • Urban Resource Centre Arif Hasan - Junior Researcher

Publications / Creative Projects

  • Depicting Abuse - An Individual or a Cultural Problem: Presented a paper SWGI Student Colloquium at LUMS, April 2019.
  • Film Virsa da Feminist Muayena: Published paper in Tezhib Journal, November 2019
  • Published paper in Habib Journal, August 2020.
  • PEER Researcher with Marie Stopes Society on Youth SRHR App, July 2019.

Final Year Project

Project Title

Outing Abuse Online: The Experience of Trauma in Isolation


This study will aim to hear and amplify the frequently muzzled voices of survivors, only further exacerbated by the pandemic which isolates them from their close inner circles. The study will be a move away from the structural into the intimate and personal experience of the trauma associated with facing the wounds of abuse and finding the courage to speak about them online. This insight into the minutiae of this experience will help build general understanding into the motivations of why survivors choose to take the route of online disclosures and how cultural stigmas aggregated with institutional policies and cybercrime laws, which were meant to curtail women’s cyber-harassment, have been used to doubly victimize survivors. Such an understanding could inform policy change on the institutional and legal front which would help better understand the unjust backlash on young-adults who faced violence and abuse during their formative years.