Class of 2020
BS Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics

Aspiration Statement

I will be going for my masters in the field of cyber security. Furthermore, I am currently working as a Senior Customer Support Executive in Pakistan’s leading IT Company ABTACH. My other passion includes swimming and snooker which I am inclined in a way to get some relaxation.

Core Skills

  • C#
  • Python (Programming Language)
  • C++
  • JavaScript
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Project Management
  • Analytical Skills


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression - Issued by SAS (Aug 2022)
  • SAS Programming 1: Essentials - Certification issued by SAS (Jun 2022)
  • SAS Programming 2: Data Manipulation Techniques - Certification issued by SAS (Jun 2022)

Final Year Project

Project Title

Project Cleanup


The garbage crisis encompasses lifting the garbage up as well as disposing of it and not dumping it on any piece of land. The ongoing situation of trash is such that people are dumping trash wherever they find heaps of trash and no adequate measures are being taken in order to clean those spots. The crisis seems to have no end in sight as each government has made a promise to clean up the economic and the financial hub of the country but none of them has been able to fulfil their commitment due to countless reasons which include lack of funds, inadequate resources and incompetence. This project aims to ease the process of garbage collection in this city by building a model that can estimate the volume of garbage from mobile images through different techniques like Image Processing, AI and Cloud Computing. This will be done through a mobile and a web application as well as a cloud model. (Group Project)

Project Pictures