Aspiration Statement
I want to pursue my Master’s degree in computer graphics and animation, or human-computer interaction (CG, AR/VR technologies). For now, I'm looking for software engineering or artificial intelligence-related career opportunities before going to graduate school.
Core Skills
- C++ and WebGL
- Python, AI, ML
- Problem Solving
- Tensorflow, Keras
- Scikit-Learn, NumPy
- Pandas in Python
- Web Development
- Database Management (SQL)
Academic Awards / Achievements
- HU TOPS 100% Scholarship
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Women in Science and Engineering Society HU - Vice President
- Habib Anime Club (Multiverse) - Vice President
- Organized HU Comic Con 2020
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Upwork - Freelancer
- Computer Graphics - Research Assistant
- Habib University - Teaching Assistant
- Jiddat - Software Developer (Part-time)
Final Year Project
Project Title
A Novel Approach to Tackle Corner Cases in Hole Filling of 3D Meshes
3D meshes are used to represent objects in 3-dimensional spaces, such as object modeling for games, animations, and computer graphic applications. These meshes, however, suffer from several flaws. During the scanning or modeling process, the surface may not be observed properly, resulting in an incomplete output mesh, containing holes, gaps or self-intersections, rendering it useless. Hole-filling is a popular technique aimed to rectify this anomaly. However, most algorithms developed so far are not ideal and are prone to error and use excessive memory. Mesh Murammat is a cloud-based web application specifically designed for hole-filling and its analysis. The application has two main aspects, a hole-filling algorithm and an interactive mesh viewer. The core aspect of this application is a hole-filling algorithm designed to tackle the maximum number of corner cases by utilizing minimal computational power. The user interface – an interactive mesh viewer is a user-friendly tool for mesh visualization. Users can easily analyze and observe details of their mesh structure and determine the efficiency of algorithms through this interface.