Class of 2022
BS Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics

Core Skills

  • C, C++, Python, JavaScript, LaTex, NetLogo, MATLAB, Machine Learning, AI Trend, React, Angular, Flutter, NodeJS and AWS
  • GitHub
  • Excel
  • Research Skills

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Dean's List, Fall 2020
  • Dean's List, Spring 2019
  • Dean's List, Fall 2019
  • High Academic Achievement Scholarship
  • President's List, 2019


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Convocation Committee Student Representative 2021 — Habib University
  • Chapter Lead, BrainHack ACM 2021 — Habib University
  • Orientation Leader, NSO 2020 — Habib University
  • Development Lead, Google Developers Student Club 2020 — Habib University
  • HUAIC Study Lead, for DataCamp 2020 — Habib University

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Full Stack Software Engineer - CreditBook
  • User Testing Intern — Storius, Honk Kong (February 2021 — April 2021)
  • Website Developer — Patient's Welfare Association (July 2020 — August 2020)

Publications / Creative Projects

  • FPGA based Stopwatch
  • Illegal Cash Flow — A Netlogo Analysis
  • University Management System — Web Development Project
  • Efficient 3D Rendering Using Octrees — Data Structures II Project

Final Year Project

Project Title



Generating SEO-optimized Product Listings Using Deep learning and NLP Techniques for Amazon. With Amazon coming to Pakistan and giving sellers a chance to sell on Amazon, there are a lot of challenges associated with it. People hire expensive virtual assistants, learn the skills themselves or fail at their businesses due to lack of e-commerce tricks. One main task that needs to be done is writing product listings so that they are ranked higher according to Amazon's algorithm. We aim to create such a deep learning based model that generates listings that rank high on Amazon and benefit sellers in Pakistan.