Aspiration Statement
I Want to explore the product design and customer service sectors. Academically, I want to pursue a master's program in fine arts to fulfill my lifelong passion for studying the arts.
Core Skills
- Python, C++, C#, HTML, CSS, Java and Lua. Exceptionally good at debugging code
- Fluent in English, Urdu and Sindhi. Currently Learning Korean, Japanese, and Pakistani Sign Language.
- Skilled in Writing (technical and creative)
- Project Management - specifically Task Delegation and Management, Project Planning and Quality Insurance
- Game Development
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Multiverse Club (2018-19) - Elected President
- Tachi Gaming Club (2018-19) - Elected Operational Manager
- Monbebe Studios - Project Lead and Lead Programmer for an International Gaming Project
- HU Orchestra 2021 - Violinist
- Organized Karachi's first university- based comic convention, HUCon
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Mindstorm Studios - Associate Game Developer
- Mindstorm Studios - Programming Intern
- Habib University - Teaching Assistant, Programming Fundamentals
Publications / Creative Projects
- Started an international gaming project, where we're making an interactive fiction mobile game. The first update of the game has been downloaded over 10,000 times.
Final Year Project
Project Title
Satellite-to-Satellite Image Translation
Only a handful of satellites capture images for public use and are free to access. Among these, the available satellite data comes from a range of satellites, each having different sensors and optics. This creates a data sparsity problem, as the frequency of incoming relevant data ranges from 5 -16 days. This project aims to solve this problem by creating a machine learning algorithm that translates between Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 to create a larger image dataset. Such satellite datasets can be used for a variety of purposes such as Agriculture (e.g., crop yield prediction), Asset Management (e.g., tracking construction work), Risk Assessment (e.g., flood detection) and Tracking Climate Change (e.g., wildfires & urbanization).