Aspiration Statement
I aspire to become a skilled software developer, leveraging my computer science education and expertise to design and develop innovative software solutions that make a positive impact in the industry.
Core Skills
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adaptability
- C++
- Communication Skills
- Java
- Python
- Quick Learner
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Co-captain, Habib University Football Team
- Participated, Habib University Volleyball and Basketball Team
- 700+ Community Service hours, Adopt an Orphanage at Nixor College
- Led Soup Kitchens for the non-profit project Group of Concerned Citizens, Nixor College
- Admin, Pakistan's first online gaming and e-sports community with 15,000+ members
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Design & Research Intern, Penumbra Digital (May 2019 – August 2019)
- Design & Research Intern, Penumbra Digital (June 2018 – August 2018)
Final Year Project
Project Title
Dynamic Junction Control System
For my Final Year Project, I developed a dynamic junction control system in Python that detects and counts vehicles in real-time at traffic signals using computer vision and machine learning libraries. The goal was to reduce wait times and improve traffic flow, which was achieved by dynamically calculating timer values for each signal. I collaborated with Silicon Communication and Security and also received approval from the Sindh Government to implement our solution at 11 different junctions in Karachi.