Agha Dilawar Haider Mirza
Class of 2022
BS Electrical Engineering
Aspiration Statement
My career aspiration is to secure a job in the industry and gain valuable experience, with the ultimate goal of pursuing higher studies in Engineering Management. My dream is to become a project manager at TESLA, where I can apply my skills and expertise to contribute to the company's success.
Core Skills
- Communication Skills
- Electric Designing
- Leadership
- MATLAB - Simulink
- OrCAD Pspice
- Project Management
- Python
- Time Management
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Silver Medalist, A' Levels
- High Achiever Award, CAIE A' Levels
- High Achiever Award, Mathematics A' Levels
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Sports (Table Tennis, Swimming, Volleyball, Badminton and Cricket)
- Deputy Director, Public Relations HUMUN 3.0
- Volunteer, Liaison Team Omicron, Google I/O
- President, Music Society
Final Year Project
Project Title
Controller Designing for Power Converters in Electric Vehicles
The use of electric vehicles has a significant impact on reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability. In EVs, isolated boost converters are employed to increase the battery voltage. Our project's objective is to develop a control system that can prevent voltage and current transients resulting from load variations.