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Academic programs

Apart from being the premier liberal arts and sciences institution in Pakistan, Habib University [hyperlink] boasts a range of majors to choose from. Our undergraduate programs cater to world-class academic needs, entrepreneurial spirit, and instils social responsibility.

HU offers two schools – School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, and the School of Science & Engineering.

Find out more about our Academic programs here

Admissions process

Grades and test scores are not the only criteria for admission into Habib University. Our admissions process is holistic, giving equal weightage to the personal statement and activity resume.

For more information about the admissions process please visit:

Habib University’s Financial Aid & Scholarship Program

Investing in a university education is a natural and valid concern, requiring short term and long term planning. Our Admissions Counselors are available to help you develop a personalized financial aid package that will ensure affordable, world-class education.

For more information on Scholarship and Financial Aid please visit:


Habib University has worked tirelessly to establish Pakistan’s first ever platform for school counselors called “Connecting Counselors”.  Under this initiative, various workshops and focus groups have been organized to discuss an array of issues when dealing with students and to grapple with the current lack of educational opportunities in counseling students for personal problems and higher education. We believe that creating Connecting Counselors provides an extended network for educationalists to discuss common problems they face with high school students. We have had the privilege of hosting student counselors from Lahore, Islamabad, and Karachi at Habib University and will be expanding on a much bigger scale in the coming months.

For more information, please email Asim Saeed Khan at

International students/out of station students

Habib University is an international university with a demographically diverse mix of students on campus. We accommodate students from within the city, as well as outside the country.

For more information on International/Out-of-station student accommodation please visit: