A gateway for HU community to access collaborative digital resources for various academic and administrative requirements.
Acquire, maintain and upgrade infrastructure and services to optimize academia and workforce productivity.
Provides swift and reliable technical assistance to meet IT needs.
Implement, develop, upgrade and maintain tier-1 enterprise level applications to meet the institution needs for academic and administrative excellence.
Students can easily and securely settle any unpaid fee voucher payments online through credit or debit cards. All fee vouchers will be notified them via the student finance office. Please ensure you have the voucher details on hand before entering the E-Pay site
Habib University also facilitates E-Payment via Haball (a payment gateway). With Haball students can initiate digital payment of their fee voucher by identifying ‘PSID’ at the invoice.
Scan & watch video for detailed demostration.
Login into the terminal with your card
Press on ID card “Registration” icon
Place your ID card on reader
Terminal will show that your account and your card is registered
Access “print.habib.edu.pk“ for recharge, balance inquiry, track print, history and view report.
Send prints, recharge, balance inquiry, track print history and view reports with print mobile app.
Scan and download the app and use server address as:
“print.habib.edu.pk” and 433 as port
A print / photocopy scan will be releases at the print stations; place your HU ID card on the reader or use your HU credentials on the printer’s terminal.
Press “Print all” to release all prints jobs, or press “My Jobs” option to select and print specific job(s)
Photocopy will be done by pressing the “Unlock Panel” icon.
Scanning will be done by pressing “Easy Scan-Email icon and the scanned copy will be received on your HU email
You can send a print command from any computer in the library or lab OR
You can register your own device (one time activity) through the IT service desk in the library
A printout can be received from any Print Self Service Machines within 24 hours of the job being sent
YA prepaid voucher is available from the HU Dukan or the library
Use the terminal to enter voucher number and recharge or go to “print.habib.edu.pk”
Microsoft Teams is a powerfull way to communicate with HU Community. Using a single tool you can open a text chat, make a voice or video call or even start an online meeting.
Access Teams’ school version by using your HU credentials
Video Messeging
Instant Text Messeging
Schedule Meetings
in Outlook
Individual and Group
Video Call
Share Images, Files
and Contacts
Share Screen
In-app Window
Office 365 integrated
Available for
VPN* offers a secure and dedication connection allowing the HU community to access the campus network using their official credentials while being physically away.
*VPN* site has available system list.
Only campus IP address restricted systems can be accessed.
Cass rooms and lecture halls are well-supported with audio and visual devices which include computers and video projection, sound reinforcement (microphones & amplification), digital audio & video recording, web cam and video conferencing and streaming etc. Moreover, AV consultation and special arrangements are also available as and when required.
Data Center facility is the nerve center of campus information technology infrastructure. It provides a secure, enterprise-wide, reliable and redundant infrastructure for mission-critical campus systems.
HU Community can bring and connect digital gadets for educational purpose using the designated Wi-Fi network.
Minimum Length - 10 Characters
Maximum Length - 24 Characters
Password must be strong, unique and having unique characters ( Upper case and Lower case characters,Numbers and SpecialCharacterssuch as : @#$* )
Passwords are case sensitive whereas the user name or login ID is not
Minimum password age- 1 day
Account lockout threshold - 5 failed login attempts
Start by login into www.office.com Enter your email address and temporary password provided to you.
Change your temporary password.
The screen will be appearing stating “More Information Required”, click next to enable the Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).
The screen will be showing under authentication system.You will receive the six-digit code on your personal contact number which needs to be enter here.
After user verification through the code, the screen will show you the success page for setting up the security information. You need to click done after confirming your default sign-in method.
Lastly, you need to update your temporary password with the new one. Setup your new password and then you’re good to go.
IT contributes to the development, implementation, monitoring and evolution of IT / IS related policies, procedures and guidelines that are fundamental to successful delivery of world-class IT to HU community. IT / IS policy and procedure manual is accessible through the intranet portals; HU community is required to adhere to these policies and procedures.
The service desk is the central point of contact to HU community for their queries and issues pertaining to facilities provided by the institution. The desk receives, processes, and responds to service requests calls during business hours.
IT maintain strict online security standards to protect your account, personal, educational and financial information from authorized access. In line with our policy to further enhance security controls, it is requested and recommended that you follow the measures defined below to experience truly secure computing.
IT is committed to provide an effective, comprehensive, secure information and communication comprehensive, secure information and communication, comprehensive, secure information and communication
IT is committed to provide an effective, comprehensive, secure information and communication comprehensive, secure information and communication, comprehensive, secure information and communication
IT is committed to provide an effective, comprehensive, secure information and communication comprehensive, secure information and communication, comprehensive, secure information and communication
IT is committed to provide an effective, comprehensive, secure information and communication comprehensive, secure information and communication, comprehensive, secure information and communication
IT is committed to provide an effective, comprehensive, secure information and communication comprehensive, secure information and communication, comprehensive, secure information and communication
IT is committed to provide an effective, comprehensive, secure information and communication comprehensive, secure information and communication, comprehensive, secure information and communication
IT is committed to provide an effective, comprehensive, secure information and communication comprehensive, secure information and communication, comprehensive, secure information and communication
IT is committed to provide an effective, comprehensive, secure information and communication comprehensive, secure information and communication, comprehensive, secure information and communication
IT is committed to provide an effective, comprehensive, secure information and communication comprehensive, secure information and communication, comprehensive, secure information and communication
Provides software design, development and deployment services for the University and coordinates with departments for requirement and delivery.
Provides architecture, design and development of the website, intranet portals and make online pages. and forms for event information and registrations.
Provides reporting, analytics, data exploration and dashboard visualization for the institutional requirements to streamline the institution wide decision-making process.
Work with HU departments to understand their business processes, problems and IT needs, build business cases, support IT related change and help with IT product selection or solution development.
Provides one-to-one and group trainings for the effective use of academic and administrative systems deployed at university for HU community.
Creates and manage cloud hosting environments with AWS & Azure.
Provides end to end project life cycle management for all IT developments and deployments.
Director Information Technology
Welcome to Habib University IT Department!
It is my extreme pride to have you as a part of HU community, IT team is committed for your digital empowerment. Habib University is equipped with top-notch technologies and we offer superior user services to full fill your academic and administrative needs.
Let’s make IT simple for you!