A grade point average (GPA) is a calculated average of the letter grades you will earn at Habib University following a 0 to 4.0 scale. It represents a student’s average performance in their studies over a stated period of time. Every semester, you will receive a GPA based on the grades you earned in all of your courses during that semester. Semester GPA is represented by SGAP. Throughout your University life, you will also maintain a cumulative GPA, which is an ongoing average of all your semesters beginning from semester 2. Cumulative GPA is often denoted by CGPA.

Guidelines To Calculate GPA

GPA Calculator

Course Grade Credit

How To Calculate Your GPA?

You can use GPA calculator to calculate your SGPA and CGPA. In order to calculate your SGPA, enter the courses of that particular semester. In order to calculate your CGPA, enter the courses of all the semesters. Read the following points carefully to calculate your correct GPA:

  1. A mathematical formula for calculating GPA or CGPA is to divide the Total Quality Points by the Total Attempted Credits. Quality points are derived by multiplying credits for the individual course by the numeric value of "letter grade" earned in the course, as listed in the official grading scale of the University
  2. Grades A+ to F earned in a course are counted towards the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
  3. Grade F replaced by R or R*, upon repeating a course, will not be counted towards the calculation of GPA/SGPA.
  4. Following grades will not be counted towards the calculation of SGPA or CGPA: Audit (A), Withdraw (W), Incomplete (I), Transfer (T), Suspended (S), Credit (CR), Non-Credit (NCR).
  5. In case of a change of major, earned grades of the following courses will be transferred to the new major and shall be counted towards the calculation of CGPA in the student’s transcript:
    • Earned grades of all Habib Liberal Core Courses attended.
    • Earned grades of all course that fulfill the requirement of the new major.
    • Courses with pass grades that that may be eligible for transfer to fulfill the graduation requirement(s) of the new major.
  6. In case of a change of major, all other courses (and their grades) that are not transferred to the new major shall be mentioned on the transcript; however, their respective grades shall not be counted towards the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.