Dear All,
The Writing Center is organizing an information session on Tamarkoz method — known as the Sufi art and science of self-knowledge through meditation and concentration.
The Tamarkoz method is one of the Practical Aspects of Sufism®. Tamarkoz is the way for anyone who wishes to re-cognize their inner abilities and to discover their purpose in life, through a holistic and practical way of recovering and maintaining health, happiness, fulfillment, well-being and discipline in life. The practice has the following five components that are used individually or in combination in Tamarkoz:
- Mind Relaxation,
- Movazeneh (balancing meditative poses harmonized with breath),
- Breathing exercises,
- Deep relaxation,
- Imagery (visualization), and
- Concentration in the heart.
This process cultivates a sense of happiness and fulfillment, enhances an awareness of our body, mind and emotional state and shields us from the strains of a fast-paced life.
Please fill in the form if you are interested to attend: https://forms.gle/SYaLBrBnrBNiiVMC6
Owing to limited seating, the participants are capped to 60.
Instructor’s Bio:
Nargess Murtaza been a yoga instructor for almost 2 decades and have transitioned to being a Tamarkoz practitioner and instructor in the last 2 years through the MTO Tamarkoz®️ Association.
MTO (Maktab Tarighat Oveisy Shahmaghsoudi) School of Islamic Sufism is an international non-profit organization. She has been a student of this school for 45 years and have also been engaged in the translation of several of their books from Farsi & English to Urdu.
For more information about Tamarkoz, kindly check out http://tamarkoz.org
Read more about Tamarkoz here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-93470-8
Bahadorani, N., Lee, J.W. & Martin, L.R. Implications of Tamarkoz on stress, emotion, spirituality and heart rate. Sci Rep 11, 14142 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-93470-8
Looking forward to see you all there!
Learning Support Services Team